Bsissa and Beet Smoothie Mix
Création Delicia reinvents the classic smoothie!
Creation Delicia 's ready-to-drink smoothie mix with bsissa , beetroot and hemp proteins is naturally sweetened with dates. A healthy drink, full of flavor and easy to prepare. A cocktail of cereals, roasted legumes, natural flavors and spices bursting with nutrients. Simply mix it with milk (or vegetable milk) and that’s it!
A refreshing, nutritious, delicious and easy-to-prepare energy protein drink!
For a healthy smoothie full of flavor
A true cereal cocktail, our smoothie mix is packed with roasted legumes, nutrients, antioxidants, proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, invigorating and astringent spices and antioxidants. This ready-to-drink is perfect for people in a hurry, athletes, dieters and fasting people, as well as children.
How to use bsissa smoothie mix:
The Bsissa flour is ready to eat. It can be prepared in different ways: in a smoothie, in a breakfast cream, or in the form of no-cook energy balls. Simply add milk or plant-based milk to 3 tablespoons of our smoothie mix, mix well and drink!
1 bag = 8.5 servings/smoothie... which comes to $1.23 per serving!
Bsissa (blé entier*, pois chiches*, lentilles*, graines de sésame, fenouil, coriandre, thym, romarin, pétales de roses), sucre de dattes*, protéine de chanvre*, poudre de betterave*.
Contient : blé, sésames
Peut contenir : arachides, soya

We deliver our products throughout Quebec, Canada and the United States.
Delivery costs for Quebec: $19. Free with orders of $70 or more before taxes.
Shipping costs for Canada: Fixed rate of $15.
Delivery costs for the United States: Flat rate of $35.